Wednesday, December 20, 2006

You Know You're _____ When...

You know you're old when the popular "retro toys" of the Christmas season are things that were brand new (or not even available yet) when you were already grown up.

You know you're a country girl when the kids say "P.U. I smell something that stinks; it must be pigs," and you say, "No! That's cows, not pigs! Cows don't stink. Can't you tell the difference?!?"

You know you're getting grinchy when you wonder if you'll bother to take the time to decorate for Christmas ten years hence.

You know you're giving up too much privacy online when your own children read your blog and thus know which packages under the tree hold underwear.

You know you're forgetful when you had a lot more of these items that you'd planned to write, but you can't remember them by the time you get your hands on the computer.


  1. You know you've been spending too much time blogging when no one has updated their blog in what seems like forever!

    Oh... wait, you finally updated. ;)

    Praying that Maggie has a restful Christmas and that her lungs continue to heal.

  2. I'd say that last paragraph describes me completely! I want to blog....but I can't remember what I was dying to blog about!!!

    I love Christmas, but can't wait until its over!!!
