Saturday, January 04, 2014

Boring Things

This afternoon we attended a most lovely wedding at church.  You sit and listen to the Bible readings and the hymns and the sermon and the canticles.  And you rejoice for the couple and for what God has given.

And then I came home and found Glenda's Christmas letter in the mail.  It was full of "boring" stuff: kids getting glasses, books they're reading, studying, going to work, ... all the normal stuff of everyday life.  All those happy things of "a quiet and peaceable life."  Combine that with Robin & Fritz's wedding, and her letter made me cry happy tears.  That boring life -- that quiet and peaceable life -- that's what I want for all my loved ones.


  1. You made me smile.
    You made David comment, "Is she saying we're boring?" ;-)

  2. Uh... I'm saying that I am unhappy when we are not boring. And uh ... well, you didn't have any trips to Germany this year, and you didn't win the lottery, and you weren't hospitalized for months after a car accident, and you didn't move .... So, yeah, kind of boring. In the happiest, loveliest, most comfortable and godly way.

    I hope David's not TOO mad at me. ;-)

  3. No, not mad at all, just goofing around. He knew what you meant and we both agree, "That boring life -- that quiet and peaceable life -- that's what (we) want for all (our) loved ones."

    Maybe our boring lives will cross again - either there or here. (hopes!)
