Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Goal Achieved

No doubt, some of my friends will be disappointed in my rejoicing. But here goes anyway...

I have been trying to gain control over my computer addiction. I'm trying to limit my time on Facebook and email discussion-boards. I'm even blogging less -- which drives me a bit batty when my fingers are itchin' to type and empty out my brain into my pensieve.

It so happens that one of the email lists in which I participate has counters of people's posts. When the group started, I was one of the top posters. Last August, in a fit of "I must cut back on my computer time," I determined that I would work my way off the Top Ten Contributors list. That list was a visible and objective way to measure how much time I spend playing online. Within a month or two, I was no longer listed on the Monthly Top Ten List. It has taken since August, but today somebody else finally bumped me off the All-Time Top Ten list. Success! (At least for a day or so.)


  1. Congratulations! I am sincerely happy for you. But now I wanna know who bumped you off . . . and who else is in the top ten . . . (even though I'm a little afraid to look) . . .

  2. I'm also relieved that this post wasn't a "I'm deleting my blog, cancelling my FB account, and unsubbing from all my lists" post. Phew!

  3. Congratulations, but now I'm nervous to go see if it was *me* that bumped you off. :-)

  4. Cate, you were the one who bumped me down from #9 to #10. But Fay was the one who bumped me all the way off the list yesterday.

  5. Oh dear, just checked . . . second place. But I couldn't help noticing that first place (I'm not naming names) has almost twice as many posts as me . . .

  6. Congratulations Susan. It is a hard addiction to get under control (speaking from experience). If all else fails...have another baby and have your shower leak onto your hard drive!
