Friday, April 09, 2010

Trial Dress

I had planned on spending one day sewing up a quick dress. It was more like one day just to lay out the pattern with all the adjustments I had to make. And there's a lining on the bodice; I haven't done that before. Then I tried it on and discovered that I needed to make some alterations (like raising the neckline and adjusting some baggy spots). Okay, so it was a week-long project and not a day-long project. This was supposed to be the trial dress, made with el-cheapo fabric, just to get my feet wet. Next I start the winter dress, hopefully with a lot more wisdom under my belt. The next one on the same pattern should be much easier. Right? Right????


  1. That's really cute!

  2. Yes, the next one on the same pattern will be much easier. I like the dress! It's making me want to go thru my patterns and fabric and sew a Real Dress.

  3. You look so springy! :) And yes, it will be easier. Fwiw, I almost always raise necklines an inch on new patterns; it's easy enough to cut the extra off if needed.

  4. That's a good idea, Angie. I'll try to remember it for next time.

    I'm raising the neckline on the winter dress I'm cutting out this evening. But boy, for somebody who hasn't sewed much since my early 20s, it really taxed my brain to put that extra inch on a neckline with all those swoopy curves. I think I've got it figured out, with facing and interfacing to match. But I'm scared to take the scissors to the fabric. (Thus I am procrastinating by getting on the computer....)

  5. I like it! Especially the neckline. And I agree that it is not as simple as cutting it an inch higher on the next one. Getting the interfacing to line up nicely makes it so much easier when assembling it.

  6. Good job! Yeah, it's best to make a muslin first. (Not that I ever do... oh well. I'm young, I can't do anything wrong, right? If I do, life will bend to accommodate me. I'm pretty sure that's how I'm supposed to think.)

  7. Very pretty! I Love the fabric! You are giving me hopes of trying to sew a garment again. :-)
