Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Catch Up

Paul is home for Easter break!

I spent time outdoors today, hauling manure, spading garden, doing lessons with Maggie. I love sunshine.

I get stressed out when there are blogposts in my mind, wanting to bust out, and I do my regular work and don't indulge my desire to write.

I'm going to have a day and a half next week with no kids. I might have to sew that winter dress I've been needing for the last several years. IF I can find any appropriate material, it should be marked way way down at this time of year. Or maybe I'll just spend the time tilling the garden.

Gary preaches for Maundy Thursday. It is so hard for him to find time to write a sermon in the couple of hours he has at home, especially when there are away-from-home commitments in the evenings.

Another day and a half till I get my shoe inserts. I'm hoping this will alleviate a whole lot of pain, and resolve some health problems that came in the wake of the pain.

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