Friday, November 09, 2007

My Shower

When I'm taking a shower, do I really need to know that So-and-So picked up the kitten? While my hair is lathered with shampoo, am I prepared to give a report on the outdoor temperature today -- to a child who is capable of walking to the front door and looking at the thermometer herself? While I have soap in my eyes, is it necessary for me to grade math worksheets orally, while the questions are being yelled through the door?

"They say" homeschoolers are in need of socialization. I say that I have no desire whatsoever to socialize while I'm in the shower or on the toilet. There is a REASON bathrooms have doors on them. How hard is this to understand???


  1. Ah, the mommy factor. And the dad can be totally available, just sitting on the computer and doing squat, but they will yell at mom through the bathroom door for help. We've trained them well. "Go ask your mother." :)

  2. Susan, have you been peeking through my windows? :)

  3. so finally i reply to a non-liturgical, non-confessional post!
    you may not choose to believe this but there will actually come a day when the interruptions no longer happen...and then you'll have grandchildren and it'll start happening all over again
    only this time you will WANT them to interrupt you!

  4. All right, Pastor Weedon, Cheri and Mrs A and I will blame you men for it. I mean, if you insist!....

    Yes, Mrs A, I must've been peeking in your windows. Probably when you were showering, because you of course aren't allowed any privacy at all.

    Cheri, my brain knows that what you say is true. But my gut cannot yet believe it. Give me another 10 years, okay?

  5. Didn't anyone tell you? It's illegal to do anything in the bathroom without having to answer insane questions and being summoned countless times! Duh!

  6. I am right there with you Susan.

  7. If only we mommies could be so popular when we aren't in the bathroom!
