Sunday, April 08, 2007


I missed the Te Deum last night.
I missed the hymns and chorales we used to sing interspersed with the Old Testament readings.
I missed the 2 Corinthians passage for the Good Friday epistle.
I wish the committee had chosen the NKJV (instead of ESV) for the Romans 6 passage in the Baptism service.
I don't like Beethoven in church.
The hymn committee for LSB was compelled to include some praise choruses in the new hymnal. They did a great job of picking ones that have good words. But even so, the music itself (apart from the text) just SAYS something. It makes me uncomfortable.

Kantor can do awesome things with the organ.
I sure do like the Easter hymns by John of Damascus.
Matt was confirmed and is now communing again.

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