Monday, December 30, 2024

2024 Reading List

The Saints of Whistle Grove, by Schuermann

Seasons of My Life, by Hannah Hauxwell

Silver Linings, by Macomber
Sweet Tomorrows, 
by Macomber
The Moffats, by Estes (with Martin)

The Warner Boys: Our Family's Story of Autism and Hope, by the Warners
The Middle Moffat, by Estes (with Martin)
Rufus M, 
by Estes (with Martin)
Warrior Monk,
by Ray Keating

The Root of All Evil? by Keating
An Advent for Religious Liberty, by Keating
The River, by Keating

Murderer's Row, by Keating
Wine into Water, by Keating

A Bride Most Begrudging, by Gist

Behind Palace Doors: My Service as the Queen Mother's Equerry, by Burgess

There's a Hole in My Bucket: A Journey of Two Brothers, by R. Tolkien
Hope When Your Heart Breaks: Navigating Grief and Loss, by Newman
The Answer Is NO, by F. Backman

Holly Banks Full of Angst, by J. Valerie
When We Were Widows, by A. C. Macias

Best book of the year was "Saints of Whistle Grove" -- hands down.  I'm kind of amazed that I haven't already read it another time or two.

Keating murder mysteries were very enjoyable even though that's not normally a genre I read.  The Lutheran setting and the theological/moral perspective was great (without being at all preachy).  I'm looking forward to continuing the series.  I did need a little break, though, from all the BadGuyStuff.

The Aug-Sept books were pretty good.  The Kindle freebies (Nov-Dec) weren't bad.

Monday, February 12, 2024

2023 Reading List

Mrs Entwhistle: Once You're Over the Hill, You Pick Up Speed, by Reidy
Miss Budge in Love, by Simpkins

How Green Was My Valley, by Llewellyn

What Do You Think of Jesus? by Scaer 

Mrs Miracle, by Macomber
Susannah’s Garden, by Macomber
A Martyr's Faith in a Faithless World, by Wolfmueller

When First They Met by Macomber
The Inn at Rose Harbor, by Macomber
Lost and Found in Cedar Cove,
 by Macmber
Rose Harbon in Bloomby Macomber
Love Letters, by Macomber
Falling for Her, by Macomber

The Mission of Mildred Budge, by Simpkins
Belle, by Simpkins

Miss Budge Goes to Fountain City, by Simpkins
Kingdom Come, by Simpkins
Christmas in Fountain City, by Simpkins

Has American Christianity Failed? by Wolfmueller

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

2022 Reading List

Bright Valley of Love, by Edna Hong  ***
Dashing through the Snow, by Debbie Macomber
Mildred Budge in Cloverdale, by Daphne Simpkins *

QuickBooks for Nonprofits and Churches, by Lisa London

March and April:
Faith Alone, by Bo Giertz *
Jayber Crow, by Wendell Barry *

Mildred Budge in Embankment, by Daphne Simpkins *
Roommaid, by Sariah Wilson

June and July:
Flatland, a romance of many dimensions, by Abbott 
The Paid Bridesmaid
, by Sariah Wilson

Keeper of Happy Endings, by Davis 
Lifecycle of an Exempt Organization, by IRS

September and October:
The Highly Sensitive Person, by Aron  [Worst book of the year, and take note that I'm ranking an accounting book and an IRS manual higher than this book.  For a while I quit the book and said it was pointless to waste the time.  When I felt compelled to finish, my husband kept asking why I had gone back to it.  He was right: I shouldn't have.]

The Mutual Admiration Society, by Kagen (not recommended)

The Bride's Room: A Mildred Budge Story, by Simpkins *
Microsoft Publisher for Dummies
Microsoft Excel for Dummies

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

2021 Reading List

Surviving the Storms: Memoirs of David P. Scaer -- finished April 2.

The Baritone Wore Chiffon, by M. Schweizer -- finished April 28.

The Tenor Wore Taps, by M. Schweizer -- finished in June.

Hannah Coulter, by W. Berry -- finished June 12.

Feeling Good, by Burns -- finished in July.

Redeeming Love, by F. Rivers -- finished in September.

The Magdeburg Confession -- finished in early December.

The Bass Wore Scales, by M. Schweizer -- finished in late December.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Dates of Easter

         Western Church        Eastern Church

2022:    April 17                April 24

2023:    April 9                  April 16

2024:    March 31              May 5

2025:    April 20                April 20

2026:    April 5                  April 12

2027:    March 28             May 2

2028:    April 16                April 16

2029:    April 1                  April 8

2030:    April 21                April 28

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

2020 Reading List


The Theology of the Cross, by H. Sasse (in We Confess Jesus Christ)

Richest Man in Babylon, by G. Clason

A Christian Guide to Mental Illness, volume 1, by S. Saunders

Time at the lake during summer:
        Five Little Peppers and How They Grew, by M. Sidney
        Shadow Among Sheaves, by N. Stephens
        The Alto Wore Tweed, by M. Schweizer

        Mamma's Boarding House, by J.D. Fitzgerald 

Proofreading review of 
        Lutheran Catechesis, Catechist Edition

Thursday, October 15, 2020

2018-19 Reading List

33 Going on Girlfriend, by Monson -- January 3
34 Going on Bride, by Monson -- May 27

He Remembers the Barren, by Schuermann -- Jan 15
Bringing the Oxford Tutorial to Your High School or Middle School Student, by R. Paul -- May 28

audio books between here and Minneapolis:
    A Year Down Yonder, by Peck
    Around the World in 80 Days
    some Narnia
    House of Living Stones
    The Choir Immortal
    and probably some others I forgot

Saturday, July 11, 2020

How to Write a Hymn

Praying Psalm 135 this morning, I kept being distracted by the lines lifted from elsewhere in Scripture.

  • Verse 1 comes from Psalm 113.
  • Verse 5 comes from Psalm 95.
  • Verse 13 comes from Psalm 72.
  • Verse 14 comes from Deut 32.
  • Verses 15-18 repeat a section of Psalm 115.
  • Verses 19-20 are a slight twist on a section of Psalm 118.
And that list doesn’t even include the other lines that I know show up in other biblical hymns but for which my memory doesn’t have a ready-reference of the citation ... nor does this list include the other places these lines appear.

The most important thing in hymn-writing is not to have some theological acumen plus some writing ability.  The most important thing is to be steeped in God’s word, to have His hymns and His stories and His catechism so deeply entrenched in your soul and your mind that His Word (not yours) spills out whenever your mouth or pen gets to movin’.

Saturday, January 12, 2019


"Cleaving" is like "flammable."  It can mean the opposite of itself.

Sometimes cleaving means clinging, hanging on, being right there, attached.
Sometimes cleaving means splitting or cutting or dividing.

Someone blogged recently about cloves of garlic, and discovering the difference between a "head" and a "clove."  So I asked Maggie if she knew the difference.  And it got me to thinking: why is a clove called a clove?

"Clove" is past tense of "cleave."

A cloven hoof is a hoof with two parts.  One part that's split into two, but not really two, because it's still one hoof.

Even when we use the word "cleave" to mean "split," it still indicates the closeness of what was being split, such as the bow of the ship cleaving the waves.

(This sheds some light on marriage.  "A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one."  They're one.  But they're not.  They're two parts of one.  So they're one.)

Back to the garlic.  One head.  Eight or nine cloves.  The cloves can be separated.  So they're their own thing.  But they're not.  They're joined in the one head of garlic.

Once upon a time, I was scolded for falling into a "basic meaning fallacy."  The longer I live, the more I discover that "basic meaning" really does explain connections almost all the time.  It's not a fallacy.  It's usually enlightening and fun to figure out.

Saturday, April 14, 2018


We always think of Moses as the Law-giver.  It's true.  The law did come to us from God through Moses.  But what else did Moses do?

He was a savior to the people.
He was a deliverer.
He interceded for them when the Lord said He should wipe 'em out because of their rebellion.

That's not law.
That's mercy.
That's rescue.

And all of that (the law and the rescue) is why Jesus is the prophet greater than Moses (Acts 3:22).