Monday, November 05, 2007

Time Change

Hey, I think I've discovered the secret to getting through time-change weekend painlessly! Travel one time-zone east!

Saturday I took a couple of kids and headed off to see Katie and Nathan. Katie and I sorted through the digital pictures from the wedding (already!?!) to get some photos printed out. We'll get to attend some awesome chapel services in connection with the Good Shepherd Institute's symposium. I intend to make Katie take me to her nursing home so I can see where she works and meet a few people over there. And I might even get to spend a little time with some friends too ... as if time with Katie and Nathan didn't already just load up the days with happiness!

It was easy to get up for church on Sunday morning, because their "hour early" (for time change) was the right time it would've been at home without time change. My body is taking this time-change easier than any in years. I suppose being off-schedule a bit, what with all the driving, will help us fall right into the proper times when we arrive back home.

I don't think it'd work to go west for "spring forward" weekend next spring. The Mountain Time Zone is just too far away for a goofy little thing like easing my body into the time-change. But I can dream, can't I?


  1. I hope you enjoyed the chapel services... I understand our son Ken sang and played. He is now a 4th year seminarian. Crista is also in FortWayne, nannying for Ken and Rach. It is doing her much good to be away from some less than savory influences and to be among seminiarians(mostly her brother's married friends) who talk theology in her presence. She is a stalwart Lutheran, but gets to see Confessional Lutheran young men...which we have a striking shortage of here in the wild west...
    God bless your kids as they study and work!

  2. Chapel was wonderful. I thought I recognized the guy in front on Monday, but wasn't sure why. He invited me and Andrew to class that afternoon. Andrew chose to go play with the Casey kids, but I went with this "stranger" and a few other guys I knew. Class was great fun too. I asked Ken where I knew him from, and he suggested just that I saw in at prayers that morning. I thought it was more than that, but I didn't figure it out until he gave me his email address. Then I was all tickled to figure out who he was!

    And Crista is in FtW? Shoot! That is reason enough my son should've been at sem this year....

  3. We(I) want her to stay there for the rest of Ken's last year and look for a job somewhere as they won't need the Nanny gig after Christmas... The kids are trying to get her out and about to various Reforamtion parties, Gemuchlikeit(sp) and such, but so far she only meets old married guys and foreigners...She is the redheaded toddler chaser from the wild country.
    Good to visit with you!
