Ah, but look at how beautifully it cleaned up!
Wednesday morning's goal was moving the game shelves to the unfinished portion of the basement, and rearranging other bookshelves down there. But I found water! Everybody else in the metro area is cleaning up from last week's flooding, but my basement stayed dry through the torrential rains. Finding Wednesday's puddles, I gave up on the basement cleaning/sorting/rearranging, and let the fans and the dehumidifiers do their thing. (Later we discovered that the water was due to a broken hose in the water softener. Not too hard to repair. And --woohoo!-- not a serious problem with leaks in the foundation.)
So instead, on Wednesday I went out to the deck to tackle more scrubbing. But I wilted. Too exhausted from the previous day's efforts, I couldn't seem to hold the brush tight enough nor scrub with enough pressure to effectively clean the planks. I gave up. I rented the power washer recommended for decks.
Botched that too. Trying to make the boards look as bright and clean as what I'd accomplished on hands-and-knees, I power-washed too close, too hard. Andrew noticed I was creating sawdust. Oh NO! So I changed my methods, but that didn't seem to actually get the boards clean.
Well, they're as clean as they're going to get before I paint the sealer on. My only hope is that a couple of years of sun and rain will weather the boards into looking like maybe they might kinda sorta match, maybe a little bit. Next time I have to seal, there will be no power-washer on the deck!!!
And then I couldn't find the celery for supper. Whine whine whine. One of these days I'm going to be digging in the freezer for frozen vegetables, and find a frozen stalk of celery in the bottom of a grocery bag.
How many things can a person ruin in one day?? At least the day ended on an improved note: being treated to preaching and the Lord's Supper in the early evening, and being treated to beer, laughs, and stories at a little bier garten in Germantown after church.