Thursday, July 05, 2012

The Opposite Problem

When Herod wanted to know where to find this interloper, this baby that the Magi were wanting to worship, he asked the dudes who knew the Scriptures.  Pastor pointed out in class today that, even though he didn't believe, Herod knew that the Bible would tell him the correct answer to what he wanted to know.

That happens again and again.  Balak didn't believe in the Lord, but he paid off one of the Lord's prophets to curse the Lord's people.  The people of Jericho didn't believe in the Lord, but they knew what the Lord had been doing on behalf of His people.   There are many other examples of unbelievers who knew the Bible to be a reliable source of historic information.

But look at what is rampant in the Church today.  Today we have Christians (who presumably do believe in the Lord) who don't believe the Scriptures to be reliable information.  "Did God really say...?"  They don't believe that Jesus did miracles.  They don't believe that Jonah was swallowed by the large fish.  They don't believe in a six-day creation.  They don't believe the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea in the miraculous way described in Exodus. 

Isn't it weird that even unbelievers used to know the veracity of the Scriptures, and today even the believers do not believe them?  The devil is surely pattin' himself on the back over this one.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012


In the movie Passion of the Christ, I really like how we see Christians in Pilate's court and in Herod's court.  They're there, observing with grief, but still serving their employer in their stations of life. Seeing as how the apostles had disappeared, some other disciples reported what happened during Jesus' trials before Herod and Pilate. 

Luke 8 tells us that Mary Magdalene, Susannah, and Johanna (the wife of Chuza who was Herod's steward) hung around Jesus and the guys and provided monetarily for the group. 

One of our recent Bible stories for daily prayer was the story of John's beheading.  But Peter wasn't there at the party.  And since Mark was from Judah and not Galilee, he wouldn't have been there either.  Somebody who was there had to report that story.  And that probably would have been Chuza. 

This goes under the category of "We are not Enthusiasts.  The Holy Spirit works through means."

Monday, July 02, 2012

The Nice Thing about My Job

My real work --the work at home-- is never-ending.  It's nigh onto impossible to catch up on the cooking, the cleaning, the homeschooling, the laundry, the repairs, the errands, the gardening.  Sometimes I'm caught up, as it were, in one of those areas.  But never all of them.  Never even most of them.  Oh, let's get real, I can't even remember being pretty much up-to-current in more than two of those things at once.  That gets wearying.

The easy thing about going away to a job is that it's clear-cut.  You go punch the time clock.  You do your work.  Sometimes there you get everything done.  [gasp!]  And then you might be able to twiddle your thumbs or surreptitiously flip through a magazine until the next customer arrives and you snap back to efficiency again. And at the end of the day, when you're done, you're actually done.

So after a week of going to my paid-job every day, now that I'm home again, I'm overwhelmed.  Where to start?! It's especially hard to make decisions and to get motivated when you're being overwhelmed by some other things in life.  And come the end of the day, even if I zip and zap and work like a maniac, the undone items on the to-do lists will still stretch before me. 

So have any of you found solutions to this?  How do you live with the perpetual knowledge that you're not doing what needs to be done?  Or is the only real solution to reduce the amount of jobs you're trying to do?  (Such as ditching the garden or quitting the job or hiring a maid?)