The couple with the lady in the dark dress: Krissy was a boss for Andrew and Paul when they worked the catalog projects over Christmas breaks. Her husband is a policeman here in town. They are members of Luther Memorial (where Gary substitute preaches frequently for Ken), and their son really likes Gary. When they have visited our church on occasion, their baby lights up when he sees Gary.
The couple with the lady in the silver shirt: Randy taught Andrew to sing bass, and Pam heads up the strings for our church's music. Randy helped make sure Gary's resume wasn't thrown straight into the trash when he applied for the job.
The couple with the lady in the blue dress: Melissa has been Gary's boss, and he thinks she's great. She is being promoted, and he's going to miss having her in charge of the team.
Last pictures are Gary with some co-workers, and me with Mary who is a member of our church and works at the company debugging programs. We had dinner with Mary and Wally; they are so much fun to be with (as are so many people from our church).