Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Big, Big Hole

We moved gravel today. And dirt. And sand. We thought the pool that had been here was about 4' deep. Well, when the pool had drained itself through the gashes in the liner, we discovered that there was a deep spot for jumping (diving?). That was one deeeeep hole. Furthermore, there was also a LOT of gravel around the pool so as to prevent huge mud puddles from developing. Well, Gary got to a point in his deck-sanding and -staining that he finally wanted that hole filled in. So with shovels and wheelbarrows, we transferred rocks and bricks and old broken concrete pieces into the hole, and we packed gravel and dirt and sand in around the layers of rocks. The hole is nowhere near as full as it should be, but it's lots better. The backyard also looks a little neater, what with so many of those rock piles now hidden and serving as fill.

Gary thinks he's going to have to rent a Bobcat. We moved loads of gravel, but some of it is just so pounded into the soil that it's not going to be very nice about coming loose with garden forks and human-powered shovels. Looking forward to finally undoing the mess that was once a pool into some nice lawn or garden or both. It's been a long haul so far, but after today it seems like we might be halfway.

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