Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Glimmer of Hope

When everything looks entirely hopeless (in a temporal sense) it gets wearying. Then God sends Christian friends with support in the forms of prayers and hugs and words of encouragement and cash. And it begins to look like maybe, somehow, possibly, there might be a chance that things could work out (temporally) even though it will involve a lot of struggle and a lot of trial and a lot of difficulty. And a little energy comes back, and the outlook on life brightens a bit, and there's something to work for, there's a direction to head.

And then the rug gets pulled out from under you again. And you wonder if the few days of rest from (temporal) despair was a blessing in that it was a little break from sadness. Or was it just something that gave false hope, something that makes the depths seem deeper than before?

And yet, I guess at least when that happens we know that energy can be revived. I suppose that's something to hang onto.


  1. I rejoice in the glimmer of hope you were given for a little while, but my heart aches for you and your family to read that things have turned downward again so quickly. I can only say that He who gives you days of sadness will know best when and how to end them, and that He will give you an eternity of joyous sunshine, in which there will no longer be any night, and you will not even die anymore forever. Straighten up, lift up your head and see, your Redemption is drawing nigh. Not one hair of your head will perish.

    -- Rick Stuckwisch

  2. Oh, dear Rick, how many Gerhardt hymns did you manage to fit into that one short comment? :-)

    Y'know, "God oft gives me days of gladness. Shall I grieve if He give seasons too of sadness?" I just now noticed: how come the gladness comes in days, but the sadness comes in whole long seasons?

    (PS to the elephant girl: That's TLH 523.)
