Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Genesis 1:28 + Genesis 3:16-19

Pastor was talking about the curse of the fall the other day. The curse of the fall is the sorrow women have in motherhood and their desire to usurp the husband's office, as well as that the ground is cursed and work is hard and that we will die. He asked how that is related to who God made us to be. (We didn't catch on as fast as he wished.)

He pointed us to God's "prime directive" given to Adam and Eve: have babies, and exercise dominion over the earth. The curse strikes right at the heart of those two things for men and for women. So the curse isn't some tangential thing. It is entirely caught up in who we are and what we have been made to do.

How come it's so obvious when he says it, but I'd never ever figure it out without being told???

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