Saturday, June 18, 2016

Rest Day

Today is a day of doing nothing.

Usually I'm not good at that.  Today we're all wiped out enough that we're managing loads of Nothing.

Two weeks ago we enjoyed a week-long family reunion.  It's a lot of work to go away.  But we love seeing the extended family.  And the resort we use is simple, relatively inexpensive, and low-key.  But it's clean, on a lake, with a pool, and awesome hosts/owners.  Weather was perfect.

After re-entry to Real Life and recuperating from our rest [??], we headed off the next weekend to meet baby Henry and rejoice in his baptism-day.  Oh, right, it was nice to see my son and daughter-in-law too.

In the days before and after baptism-weekend, I packed up supplies for the CCA symposium and the CCA sales booth.  (Oh, man, my muscles aren't what they used to be.  I am weak and pokey.  But, hey, it was possible to do the work.)

The last few days involved early mornings and late nights and physical labor.  And lots of time on my feet.  And chances to visit with friends ... though never enough time for all the people I want to see.  The topic for symposium was about keeping our children in the faith, and comfort for us when our loved ones stray.  It was helpful and encouraging.

But today is nothing.  Sudokus.  Lightweight movies.  Sitting around.  I probably should mop and do laundry and start some pickles.  Nothing big.  Just a little catching up.  But if I don't do it, I will still be satisfied.  There are three more big events coming up in the next few weeks, so a day of sloth is probably healthful right now.